السيرة الزاتية لقسم تمريض الباطنى والجراحى

تم النشر بتاريخ: 26/09/2015

 Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information
Name: Safaa
Father Name: Hussein
Husband Name: Saied El shahate
Nationality: Egyptian
Religion:  Moslem
D.O.B:  9/10/1965
Place of birth: Sharkia gavernorate/facous
Marital Status: Married
No.of.childrens: 3
Permanent Adress
Phone: 055/33977883-01097882487
Job description: Lecturer (Medical-Surgical Nursing)
Spoken languages: English
Academic Qualifications
1-(B.SC) Degree of Nursing (1987) Assuite University .
2-Master Degree (Medical-Surgical Nursing, 1996) Zagazig University .
Title: The impact Of Rheumatoid Arthritis On The Quality Of Life Among Selected Sample Of Egyptian Patients At Zagazig University Hospitals.
3-Doctorate Degree (Medical-Surgical Nursing, 2003) Zagazig University .
Title: The Effect Of Health Teaching Program On The Patient Self Care Related To Urinary Diversion At Zagazig University Hospitals.
1.     Clinical Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University Form (1989-1996).
2.     Lecturer Assistance, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University Form (1996-2003).
3.     Lecturer Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University Form (2003-2013).
4.     Lecturer Technical Nursing Institute Form (2005-2006).
5.     Lecturer Oncology Institute Form, Facous City, 2007.
6.     Head Department (Medical-Surgical Nursing) (2005-2007).
7.     Participate in work shop research methodology, 2003.
8.     Participate in system approach evaluation (clinically) to nursing students with different education program, 2002.
9.     Participate in effective class room teaching skill, 2006.
10.                                                                  Participate inmedical ethics, 2004.
11.                                                                  Participate intoward future, 2005.
12.                                                                  Participate ineffective skill lab-teaching skills, 2006.
13.                                                                  Participate in different subjects of teaching, 2005.
14.                                                                   Participate in Quality of nursing education and world challenges, 2006.
15.                                                                  Participate in mastery learning, 2006.
16.                                                                  Participate decision making and problem solving, 2005.
17.                                                                  Participate in job (nursing) ethics, 2005.
18.                                                                  Participate in time administration & work pressure, 2006.
19.                                                                  Participate in skill communication effect, 2006.
20.                                                                  Participate in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (C.P.R) teaching the teachers, 2007.
21.                                                                  Participate in Books literature, medical and surgical nursing student, 2004-2007.
22.                                                                  Contribution to the 3nd Scientific conference of the faculty of Nursing,has Presented ATalk Titled :Liver and Bone Marrow Transplantation New Trends in Nursing Practice. (2006 )
23.                                                                   Contribution to the 4nd Scientific conference of the faculty of Nursing,has Presented ATalk Titled :  Patient Safety ( Medical errors ) 2010.
24.                                                                  Contribution to the 17nd Annal Congress of the faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University: Patient Safety ( 2012).
25.                                                                  Contribution to the 4nd Scientific conference of the faculty of Nursing,has Presented ATalk Titled :Risk Manegement (Hospital Risk Manegement) 2012.

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