طب- تقرير دورة الجراحي (ماجستير ودكتوراه)

تم النشر بتاريخ: 26/09/2015

 Medical- Surgical Course Report

( Master and Doctorate)
Master Degree
Program Report

Program Report
A-Basic information
1.      Programme title: Medical Surgical Nursing.
2.      Programme type:Single
3.      Department(S): Medical Surgical department
4.      Co-ordinator:Dr/Nadia Mohamed Taha
5.      Year of operation:2011-2012
6.     Academic year/  2012-2013                     Semester/2nd&3rd
   1-No.of students starting the programme.


       - No.            →2013
     2-Ratio of students attending the programme this year to those of last
      -In 2012-2013→No.
                                                    12/6= 2%
     3-No.and percentage of students passing in each year/level/semester.
       -In 2012-2013→passing              →100%
       -In 2013-2014→              100%
     4-No. of students completing the programme and as percentage of
         those who started .
         -In 2012-2013→No              →100%
   6 6             


         -In2013-2014→No               →100%
    5- Grading:No.and percentage of each grade .


        Excellent:  No.             %  -  Very Good: No.               %
  -   Good:       No.                % -  Pass:          No.                   %    
 6-First destination of graduates.
     Give percentage of the graduating cohort who have :
        - Unknown first destination.
Academic standards
      1-Achievments of programme intended learning outcomes
                       Programme ILOs(By No.)
2nd semester
Nursing seminars in Medical Surgical Nursing
A1 - A2 - A3 –A4-A5-A6-A7-A8-A9
B1 - B2 - B3-B4
C1 - C2 - C3 –C4 –C5
D1 - D2 - D3-D4
A1 - A2 - A3 –A4-A5-A6-A7-A8-A9
B1 - B2 - B3 –B4
D1 - D2 - D3 –D4
A1 - A2 - A3 –A4-A5-A6-A7
B1 - B2
C1 – C2
D1 - D2 - D3 –D4
A1 - A2 - A3 –A4 –A5-A6-A7
B1 - B2 - B3 –B4 –B5- B6 –B7
C1 - C2 - C3 –C4 –C5- C6 –C7
D1 - D2 - D3 –D4
3rd semester
Nursing seminars in Medical Surgical Nursing
A1 - A2 - A3 –A4 –A5- A6 –A7- A8
B1 - B2 - B3 –B4 –B5
C1 - C2 - C3 –C4 –C5- C6 –C7-C8
D1 - D2 - D3 –D4 –D5- D6
A1 - A2 - A3
B1 - B2
D1 - D2 - D3
A1 - A2 - A3 –A4 –A5-A6-A7-A8
B1 - B2 
C1 – C2
D1 - D2 - D3 –D4 –D5- D6-D7
Critical & Emergency
A1 - A2 - A3 –A4 –A5-A6
B1 - B2 - B3 –B4 –B5- B6 –B7- B8 –B9
C1 - C2 - C3 –C4 –C5- C6 –C7
D1 - D2 - D3 –D4 –D5- D6-D7-D8-D9
A1 - A2 - A3 –A4 –A5-A6-A7
B1 - B2 - B3 –B4 –B5- B6 –B7
C1 - C2 - C3 –C4 –C5- C6 –C7
D1 - D2 - D3 –D4
*           Knowledge and Understanding
**           Intellectual Skills
***          Professional and Practical Skills
****        General and Transferable Skills
 Commentary (quoting evaluations from externalevaluator and other stakeholder)
Not applicable.
Achievement of the programme aims
  Commentary(quoting evaluations from external evaluator and other stakeholder)
 Not applicable.
3-Assessment methods
    Commentary(quoting evaluations from external evaluator and other stakeholders)
     Not applicable.
4-Student achievement
      Commentary(quoting statistics from section B and evaluations from external              
       evaluator and other stakeholders)
      Not applicable.
Quality of Learning Opportunities
5-Quality of teaching and learning
-Commentary on the quality of teaching and learning(quoting evaluations by
   Stakeholders including students)
 Not applicable.
6-Effectiveness of student support systems
   Commentary on both academic and pastoral/support for all students
7-Learning resources
v   No. and ratio of faculty members and their assistants to students.
v   Matching of faculty member's specializations to programme needs.
                -Each faculty member is  specialized to programme needs
v   Availability and adequacy of programme handbook.
      -Handbook is not available/-loogbook is available
v   Adequacy of library facilities
     - Adequate.
v   Adequacy of laboratories.
     -Not available for postgraduate.
v   Adequacy of computer facilities.
                     -Not adequate
v   Adequacy of field/practical training resources.
       -Not adequate
v   Adequacy of any other programme needs.
       -Not adequate

8-Quality management
a.      Availability of regular evaluation and revision system for the
             b .    Effectiveness of the system
  c.     Effectiveness of faculty and university laws and regulations
         for  progression and completion
  d.     Effectiveness of programme external evaluation system:
                                     i.        External evaluators :
-Not applicable
                                   ii.        Students
                                 iii.        other stakeholders:
                    - Not applicable
   e.     Faculty response to students and external evaluations.
    9-Proposals for programme development
                        a.            Programme structure (units/credit-hours).
-modification of  the unit available
Courses, deletions, additions and modifications
-Modification of the object content of the course
                       b.            Staff development requirements
  -modification of the stuff teaching according to the requirements and evaluation of the stuff by students
10-Progress of previous year's action plan
Action Identified            Person Responsible             progress of action,state if and                            
                                        Completed completion         any reasons for non-
-The course given by       -Dr/Nadia Mohamed Taha Mohamed- Completed
(4)members in the            -Dr/Safaa Hussein
 department instead         -Dr/ Maha Desoky.
 of  (2)members.              -Dr/Eman Abd el Aziz
11-Action plan
Action required                          Completion Date
Person Responsible                            /    /2014
  increase stuff
Attach all course reports as annexes         
( Second Semester)

Medical- Surgical Nursing
Appendix D2: Templates for Annual Course Reports
UniversityZagazig Faculty Nursing Department medical- Surgical Nursing
Course  Report
A- Basic Information
1. Title and code: minor element:  medical- Surgical Nursingnurse.101
2. Programme(s) on which this course is given:  medical- Surgical Nursing
3. Year/2013- 2014           Semester/ 2nd                 Level of programmes
4. Units/Credit hours:    not applicable 
hLectures:    Theoretical 60 h         practical 180 h                Total 240 h    Tutorial/Practical:   not applicable         
5.  Names of lecturers contributing to the delivery of the course:
1. Nursing Process
2. Stress
3. Acid –base balance and imbalance/ fluid and electrolyte balance and imbalance
4. Immobility
5. Nursing Theory
6. Oxygenation
7. Sensory Deprivation
9. Nursing Research
10. Pain
11. Nursing Models
12. Body Image
13. Inflammation
Course coordinator      Prof.dr/ Nadia Mohamed Taha
External evaluator    ……………………………
B- Statistical Information
No. of students attending the course:       No.    3            % 100
No. of students completing the course:     No.    3            %100
Passed:      No.     3      %  100               Failed:   No.   0           %0
Grading of successful students:  
Excellent:  No.    1      33.3%                   Very Good: No.   2       % 66.7           
      Good :       No.                              Pass: No.        
C- Professional Information
1 – Course teaching
Topics actually taught
No. of hours
1. Nursing Process
2. Stress
3. Acid –base balance and imbalance/ fluid and electrolyte balance and imbalance
4. Immobility
5. Nursing Theory
6. Oxygenation
7. Sensory Deprivation
9. Nursing Research
10. Pain
11. Nursing Models
12. Body Image
13. Inflammation
Topics taught as a percentage of the content specified: 
>90 %     √                  70-90 %                              <70%
Reasons in detail for not teaching any topic
If any topics were taught which are not specified, give reasons in detail
        ………………………. …………………….
2- Teaching and learning methods:
            Lectures:                                          yes               
Practical training/ laboratory:           yes      
Seminar/Workshop:                        yes                 
Class Activity:                                 yes             
Case Study:                                          yes      
Other assignments/homework:              yes                                    
If teaching and learning methods were used other than those specified, list and give reasons
3- Student assessment:
Method of assessment                          Percentage of total  
Written examination                                           100
Oral examination                                                 20
Practical/laboratory work                                     30     
Other assignments/class work                              50
Total     200                                                      100 %
Members of examination committee
·         Prof. dr/ Nadia  Mohamed Taha
·         Dr/ Safaa Hussein
·         Dr/ Maha Desoky Sakr
Role of external evaluator
4- Facilities and teaching materials:   
Totally adequate                                                    
Adequate to some extent                         yes
List any inadequacies
5- Administrative constraints 
List any difficulties encountered
6- Student evaluation of the course:      Response of Course Team
 List any criticisms
7- Comments from external evaluator(s):Response ofcourse team
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
……….……………..…….                                     ……………………………

8- Course enhancement:
Progress on actions identified in the previous year’s action plan:
Action                                                       State whether or not completed and give reasons for any non-completion
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
9- Action plan for academic year 2012 – 2013
Actions required              Completion date        Person responsible
………………………                 ………………………         ………………………  
………………………                 ………………………         ………………………  
Course coordinator:         Prof. Dr/ Nadia Mohamed Taha

Appendix D2: Templates for Annual Course Reports
UniversityZagazig Faculty Nursing Department medical- Surgical Nursing
Course  Report
A- Basic Information
1. Title and code: minor element:  Pathology
2. Programme(s) on which this course is given:  medical- Surgical Nursing
3. Year/2013- 2014           Semester/ 2nd                 Level of programmes
4. Units/Credit hours:    not applicable 
Lectures:    Theoretical 30 h         practical                 Total 30 h    Tutorial/Practical:   not applicable         
5.  Names of lecturers contributing to the delivery of the course:
1.      Introduction
2.      Cellular Injury and Adaptation
3.      Inflammation
4.      Tissue renewal & repair
5.      Hemodynamic disorders (Edema/Congestion/Infarction, Hemeostasis/Thrombosis, Shock)
6.      Immunopathology
7.      Infectious diseases
8.      Disturbance of growth
9.      Neoplasia: Nomenclature/Benign/Malignant, Clinical Aspects, Biology of Tumor Growth Metastases, Carcinogenesis: Chemical Radiation, Viral Carcinogenesis, Oncogenes Host Defense
10. Environmental & nutritional diseases
Course coordinator      Professor. Dr/
External evaluator    ……………………………
B- Statistical Information
No. of students attending the course:       No.    3            % 100
No. of students completing the course:     No.    3            %100
Passed:      No.     3      %  100               Failed:   No.   0           %0
Grading of successful students:  
Excellent:  No. 1      33.3%                      Very Good: No.1     33.4%
      Good :       No.                              Pass: No.1    33.3%       
C- Professional Information
1 – Course teaching
Topics actually taught
No. of hours
Cellular Injury and Adaptation
Tissue renewal & repair
Hemodynamic disorders (Edema/Congestion/Infarction, Hemeostasis/Thrombosis, Shock)
Infectious diseases
Disturbance of growth
Neoplasia: Nomenclature/Benign/Malignant, Clinical Aspects, Biology of Tumor Growth Metastases, Carcinogenesis: Chemical Radiation, Viral Carcinogenesis, Oncogenes Host Defense
Environmental & nutritional diseases
Topics taught as a percentage of the content specified: 
>90 %     √                  70-90 %                              <70%
Reasons in detail for not teaching any topic
If any topics were taught which are not specified, give reasons in detail
        ………………………. …………………….
2- Teaching and learning methods:
            Lectures:                                          yes               
Practical training/ laboratory:           yes      
Seminar/Workshop:                        yes                 
Class Activity:                                 yes             
Case Study:                                          yes      
Other assignments/homework:              yes                                    
If teaching and learning methods were used other than those specified, list and give reasons
3- Student assessment:
Method of assessment                          Percentage of total  
Written examination                                           60%
Oral examination                                                 40%
Total                                                                 100 %
Members of examination committee
Role of external evaluator
4- Facilities and teaching materials:   
Totally adequate                                                    
Adequate to some extent                         yes
List any inadequacies
5- Administrative constraints 
List any difficulties encountered
6- Student evaluation of the course:      Response of Course Team
 List any criticisms
7- Comments from external evaluator(s):Response ofcourse team
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
……….……………..…….                                     ……………………………

8- Course enhancement:
Progress on actions identified in the previous year’s action plan:
Action                                                       State whether or not completed and give reasons for any non-completion
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
9- Action plan for academic year 2012 – 2013
Actions required              Completion date        Person responsible
………………………                 ………………………         ………………………  
………………………                 ………………………         ………………………  
Course coordinator:         Professor. Dr/


Appendix D2: Templates for Annual Course Reports
UniversityZagazig Faculty Nursing Department medical- Surgical Nursing
Course  Report
A- Basic Information
1. Title and code: minor element:  Physiology
2. Programme(s) on which this course is given:  medical- Surgical Nursing
3. Year/2013- 2014           Semester/ 2nd                 Level of programmes
4. Units/Credit hours:    not applicable 
Lectures:    Theoretical 30 h         practical                 Total 30 h    Tutorial/Practical:   not applicable         
5.  Names of lecturers contributing to the delivery of the course:
Unit 1: Blood
Unit 2: Respiratory system
Unit 3: Cardiovascular system
Unit 4: Autonomic nervous system
Course coordinator      Professor. Dr/ Mohamed Hussein
External evaluator    ……………………………
B- Statistical Information
No. of students attending the course:       No.    3            % 100
No. of students completing the course:     No.    3            %100
Passed:      No.     3      %  100               Failed:   No.   0           %0
Grading of successful students:  
Excellent:  No. 1      33.3%                      Very Good: No.1     33.4%
      Good :       No.                              Pass: No.1    33.3%       
C- Professional Information
1 – Course teaching
Topics actually taught
No. of hours
Unit 1: Blood
Unit 2: Respiratory system
Unit 3: Cardiovascular system
Unit 4: Autonomic nervous system
Topics taught as a percentage of the content specified: 
>90 %     √                  70-90 %                              <70%
Reasons in detail for not teaching any topic
If any topics were taught which are not specified, give reasons in detail
        ………………………. …………………….
2- Teaching and learning methods:
            Lectures:                                          yes               
Practical training/ laboratory:           yes      
Seminar/Workshop:                        yes                 
Class Activity:                                 yes             
Case Study:                                          yes      
Other assignments/homework:              yes                                    
If teaching and learning methods were used other than those specified, list and give reasons
3- Student assessment:
Method of assessment                          Percentage of total  
Written examination                                           60%
Oral examination                                                 40%
Total                                                                 100 %
Members of examination committee
Role of external evaluator
4- Facilities and teaching materials:   
Totally adequate                                                    
Adequate to some extent                         yes
List any inadequacies
5- Administrative constraints 
List any difficulties encountered
6- Student evaluation of the course:      Response of Course Team
 List any criticisms
7- Comments from external evaluator(s):Response ofcourse team
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
……….……………..…….                                     ……………………………

8- Course enhancement:
Progress on actions identified in the previous year’s action plan:
Action                                                       State whether or not completed and give reasons for any non-completion
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
9- Action plan for academic year 2012 – 2013
Actions required              Completion date        Person responsible
………………………                 ………………………         ………………………  
………………………                 ………………………         ………………………  
Course coordinator:         Professor. Dr/ Mohamed Hussein

Master degree (Third Semester)
Medical- Surgical Nursing

Appendix D2: Templates for Annual Course Reports
UniversityZagazig Faculty Nursing Department medical- Surgical Nursing
Course  Report
A- Basic Information
1. Title and code: minor element:  medical- Surgical Nursing
2. Programme(s) on which this course is given:  medical- Surgical Nursing
3. Year/2013- 2014           Semester/ 3rd                  Level of programmes
4. Units/Credit hours:    not applicable 
Lectures:    Theoretical 60 h         practical 180 h                Total 240 h    Tutorial/Practical:   not applicable         
5.  Names of lecturers contributing to the delivery of the course:
  1. Burn
  2. Dialysis
  3. Oncology Nursing
  4. Critical Care nursing
  5. Emergency nursing
  6. Infection Control
  7. Disaster
  8. Neurosurgery
  9. Quality assurance
  10. Standard of Care
  11. System Approach
Course coordinator      Prof.dr/ Nadia Mohamed Taha
External evaluator    ……………………………
B- Statistical Information
No. of students attending the course:       No.    6            % 100
No. of students completing the course:     No.    6            %100
Passed:      No.     6      %  100               Failed:   No.   0           %0
Grading of successful students:  
Excellent:  No.          %                Very Good: No.   1       % 20           
      Good :       No.   5       %   80          Pass: 6         No.           %100
C- Professional Information
1 – Course teaching
Topics actually taught
No. of hours
Oncology Nursing
Critical Care nursing
Emergency nursing
Infection Control
Quality assurance
Standard of Care
System Approach
Topics taught as a percentage of the content specified: 
>90 %     √                  70-90 %                              <70%
Reasons in detail for not teaching any topic
If any topics were taught which are not specified, give reasons in detail
        ………………………. …………………….
2- Teaching and learning methods:
            Lectures:                                          yes               
Practical training/ laboratory:           yes      
Seminar/Workshop:                        yes                 
Class Activity:                                 yes             
Case Study:                                          yes      
Other assignments/homework:              yes                                    
If teaching and learning methods were used other than those specified, list and give reasons
3- Student assessment:
Method of assessment                          Percentage of total  
Written examination                                           100
Oral examination                                                 2`0
Practical/laboratory work                                     30     
Other assignments/class work                              50
Total     200                                                      100 %
Members of examination committee
·         Prof. dr/ Nadia  Mohamed Taha
·         Dr/ Safaa Hussein
·         Dr/ Maha Desoky Sakr
Role of external evaluator
4- Facilities and teaching materials:   
Totally adequate                                                    
Adequate to some extent                         yes
List any inadequacies
5- Administrative constraints 
List any difficulties encountered
6- Student evaluation of the course:      Response of Course Team
 List any criticisms
7- Comments from external evaluator(s):Response ofcourse team
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
……….……………..…….                                     ……………………………

8- Course enhancement:
Progress on actions identified in the previous year’s action plan:
Action                                                       State whether or not completed and give reasons for any non-completion
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
…………………………….                                   …………………………….
9- Action plan for academic year 2012 – 2013
Actions required              Completion date        Person responsible
………………………                 ………………………         ………………………  
………………………                 ………………………         ………………………  
Course coordinator:         Prof. Dr/ Nadia Mohamed Taha

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