إمتحان اللغة الاجنبية نموذج ( ج) للفرقة الثانية

تم النشر بتاريخ: 31/12/2017

شعار الجامعة







Date: 27-12-2017.






Zagazig University.

Second year.





Faculty of physical

English Language.






Education For Girls.

Time: 2 hrs.






Total Mark : (60) Marks.

First term.






No. Question : (4).



نموذج ( ج )


اسم الطالبة:- ...............................................                         رقم الجلوس:-......................



Answer all the following questions:-

Q1.Translate into English :- ( 18 Marks):-

  • تهدف الرياضة الي تغيير سلوك واتجاهات الفرد نحو التفكير المرن وتقبل الآخرين، وتعزيز قدرته على التعامل مع المشكلات المختلفة والقدرة على اتخاذ القرارات السليمة بشأن حلها، وإكسابه مهارة الروح الرياضية المتمثلة بتقبل الخسارة والنهوض من جديد لتحقيق الهدف، ويزيد من قدرته على التأقلم مع الظروف والأماكن والأحداث الجديدة، وينعكس ذلك إيجاباً على علاقاته، ويتيح له بناء شبكة واسعة من العلاقات الاجتماعية الناجحة.

·       The sport aims to change the behavior and attitudes of the individual towards flexible thinking and acceptance of others, to enhance his ability to deal with different problems and to be able  to make sound decisions about solving them , and  to equip him with the spirit of sportsmanship to accept  loss and regain  newly to achieve the  goal, and increases his ability to go native to with  circumstances , places And new actions ,and this  positively reflected on his relationships, and allows him to build a vast network of successful social relations.

  • الرياضة هي وسيلة للحصول علي جسم سليم معافي كما أنه وسيلة هامة للتخلص من الأمراض فالإنسان الذي يمارس الرياضة يستطيع الحفاظ علي صحته وجسمه متناسق وقوي كما أنه بممارسة الرياضة يستطيع وقاية جسده من أي ضرر وأمراض وأهمها مرض السمنة الذي يكون سبب رئيسي لأمراض كثيرة مثل مرض السكري والإنزلاق الغضروفي ومعظم أمراض العظام وبالتالي يجب علي الإنسان أن يحرص علي ممارسة الرياضة بما فيها من فوائد لصحة الإنسان .

·            The sport is a mean to get a sound and  healthy body and is also an important way to get rid of diseases. The person who is practicing sport can maintain his health and his body is harmonious and strong and also by practicing sport  can protect his body from any damage and diseases, especially obesity, which is a major cause of many diseases such as diabetes and sliding  cartilage and most bone diseases and therefore the human must be careful  to practice sport which including the benefits of human health.

·       .

  • الرياضة تقوي في الإنسان العزيمة وروح المنافسة فكثيرا من الرياضات يتقابل فيها الإنسان مع فريق خصم له ويحرص كل فريق منهم علي الفوز والحصول علي لقب وهذا ينشأ روح التحدي بين اللاعبين ويرفع معنوياتهم ويوجههم بإستمرار نحو تحقيق الهدف وإدراك الفوز وتحقيق الذات .

·       The sport strengthens the human determination and the spirit of competition, in many sports a man is  meeting  with an opponent team   and each team is wishful  to win and get a title and this creates a spirit of challenge between players and raise their  morals and guide them constantly to achieve  the goal and to recognize victory and self-realization.


ترجمي الكلمات الآتية الى الانجليزية:-

شد عضلي                  

Muscle strain

يعيق السباق               


يحطم رقم قياسي                     


خط منتصف الملعب       

half-way line

هجوم ضاغط   

Pressing attack

عارضة التوازن               

Balance beam



Translate into Arabic:-

  • Flexibility is one of the most important components of physical fitness. Without flexibility, the muscles and joints would grow stiff and movement would be limited. Flexibility training ensures that your body can move through its entire range of motion without pain or stiffness.
  • -المرونة هي واحدة من أهم مكونات اللياقة البدنية. دون المرونة، العضلات والمفاصل سوف  تنمو قاسية والحركة ستكون محدودة. تمرين المرونة يؤكد  أن جسمك يمكن أن تتحرك من خلال مجموعة كاملة من الحركة دون ألم أو تصلب.
  • The rules of volleyball would include things like; no player can hit the ball twice consequently. A point would be gained when one of the team plays the ball on the opponents court and the ball not being defended, thereby hitting the ground within the court. The basic objective of the game is to return the ball over the net legally in such a manner that the opponent would not be able to return. The fouling of the game would include when a player hits twice, grabbing the ball, four touches on one side, or even if holding the ball while playing.

- قواعد الكرة الطائرة سوف تشمل أشياء مثل؛ لا يمكن للاعب ضرب الكرة مرتين متتاليتين. الننقطة يمكن أن يتم الحصول عليها عندما يلعب أحد الفريقين الكرة في ملعب الفريق الخصم  والكرة لا يجري الدفاع عنها، وبالتالي تضرب علي الملعب. والهدف الأساسي من اللعبة هو إعادة الكرة من فوق الشبكة بشكل قانوني بالطريقة أن الخصم لن يكون قادر على إعادتها. مخالفة اللعبة تشمل عندما يضرب اللاعب الكرة مرتين، اولمس الكرة أربع لمسات على جانب واحد، أو حتى لو مسك الكرة أثناء اللعب.

  • Cardio respiratory Endurance is the ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and to remove wastes over sustained periods of time. Long runs and swims are among the methods employed in measuring this component. Muscular strength is the ability of a muscle to exert force for a brief period of time. Upper body strength, for example, can be measured by various weight-lifting exercises
  •  -التحمل القلبي التنفسي هو القدرة على توصيل الأكسجين والمواد المغذية للأنسجة وإزالة النفايات على مدى فترات طويلة من الزمن.الجري الطويل والسباحة من بين الطرق المستخدمة في قياس هذا المكون. القوة العضلية هي قدرة العضلات على ممارسة القوة لفترة قصيرة من الزمن. قوة الجسم العليا، على سبيل المثال، يمكن قياسها من خلال تمارين رفع الأثقال المختلفة.

Q2.Shadow completely  the circle (√) if the answer is right and Shadow completely    the circle(×) if the answer is wrong  ( 14 Marks):-

 1-In volleyball, a maximum of five hits are possible on each team to get the ball to the other side.(  x   )

2- The opposite of the word corrupt is quiet. (  x   )

3-There would be at least 3-5 sets for the game of volleyball.(  √   )

4-The key rule of volley ball is to keep the ball in the air and could be hit with any part of the body.(   √  )

5-What we do with  our bodies affects on what we do with our minds.(  √  )

6-Cardiovacular system includes lungs, heart and blood vessels. (  √   )

7-Pushups are often used to test endurance of leg muscles.(  x  )

8-Muscular endurance is the ability of your muscles to perform contractions for short time. (  x  )

9-Men must have a body fat composition lower than 24 percent.(  x   )

10- Muscular strength is the power that helps you to lift and carry heavy objects.(  √  )

11-Hand ball is a team game and would have a total of twelve player.(  x  )

12-The opposite of the word satisfied is safe.(  x   )

13-Physical fitness  is achieved through proper nutrition only.(   x  )

14-There are 4 components of physical fitness . (  x   )


Q3.Read the following passage and shadow completely  the correct circle:- (8 Marks):-

  Track and field is a sport which includes athletic contests established on the skills of runningjumping, and throwing. The name is derived from the sport's typical venue: a stadium with an oval running track enclosing a grass field where the throwing and jumping events take place. Track and field is categorized under the umbrella sport of athletics, which also includes road runningcross country running, and race walking. The foot racing events, which include sprintsmiddle- and long-distance eventsrace walking and hurdling, are won by the athlete with the fastest time. The jumping and throwing events are won by the athlete who achieves the greatest distance or height. Regular jumping events include long jumptriple jumphigh jump and pole vault, while the most common throwing events are shot put, javelindiscus and hammer. There are also "combined events" or "multi events", such as the pentathlon consisting of five events, heptathlon consisting of seven events, and decathlon consisting of ten events. In these, athletes participate in a combination of track and field events. Most track and field events are individual sports with a single victor; the most prominent team events are relay races, which typically feature teams of four. Events are almost exclusively divided by gender, although both the men's and women's competitions are usually held at the same venue. Records are kept of the best performances in specific events, at world and national levels, right down to a personal level. However, if athletes are deemed to have violated the event's rules or regulations, they are disqualified from the competition and their marks are erased.

Shadow completely  the correct circle:-

 1- The heptathlon consisting of…….events.

a- six                               b- seven                                   c- eight.

 2- The pentathlon consisting of…….events.

      a-five                              b-four                                     c-three.

3- The decathlon consisting of…….events..

a-two                             b-three                                      c-ten.

4-Track and field is a sport which includes athletic contests established on the skills of……… 

a -hockey                        b- running                             c-basket ball.

5- The foot racing events include ………..

a- sprints                        b- swimming                          c- tennis.

6- Jumping events include………. 

a-hockey                        b-volley ball                            c-triple jump.

7- Throwing events include………                        

a- javelin                        b-hand ball                             c-gymnastics.    

8- Events  of track and  field  are divided by……

a-    age                           b- gender                                  c-color.



Q4.Shadow completely the correct circle:- ( 20 Marks):-

 9-The mountains are covered……..snow .

a-by                            b- with                       c- or.

10-Boys eat (much) than girls.

a-more                        b- much more            c- more much.                                      

11-While she was walking , she ( meet) her mother.

a-meeting                       b-meets                  c- met.    

12-I usually ………tennis in the field

a-plaies                  b-plays                          c-play.            

13-Mona …… her home work now.

a-writing               b-writes                        c-is writing.            

14-Nurses look ………patients in hospitals.

a-at                          b- after                        c-in.

15-My brother always ……his lessons well.

a-studies                  b-study                      c-studying.

16-……. me to phone Heba  tomorrow.

a-Remind                 b-Force                     c-Invite.

17-Do you ……..tired?

a-feel                       b- smell                      c-taste.      

18-Ahmed is interested ………music

a-in                         b-on                                c-of.

19-I get……..at 7o'clock..

a-in                          b-up                              c-on.

20-I will wait here ………you finish your work.

a-until                            b-on                     c-in.

21-Mona has been living in Egypt …….January .

a-for                             b- at                        c- since.

22-I am travelling ……..London on Monday.

a-to                             b- in                          c-of.

23-……all the students are clever.

a-no                             b-not                         c- none.

24-I was …… tired that I went to bed at 8 o'clock.

a-such                          b-so                      c-many.     

25-we sometimes play basket ball.

 -  we …...play basket ball.

a-no                            b-any                          c-never.

 26-I am standing ………my brother.

a-in                              b-behind                   c-up.

27-When the thief ( see) the police , he was running away.

a-saw                          b-is sawing                  c-sees.

28-Last summer I ( swim) in the sea.

a-swam                         b-is swim                      c- swimming.

Best wishes

                                                                                                                                       واضع الامتحان

                                                                                                                                      مدرس لغة/ نسيلة السيد إبراهيم

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