نموذج رقم 13
جامعة الزقازيق
قسم تمريض الأطفال Pediatric Nursing
توصيف برنامج تمريض الأطفال لدرجة الدكتوراه
معلومات أساسية: اسم البرنامج -1
Program specification of Pediatric nursing for Doctorate degree
طبيعة البرنامج : (احادى) (ثنائى) مشترك -2
Pediatric nursing departmentلقسم المسئول عن البرنامج::
تاريخ إقرار البرنامج: 2012-2013
ب-معلومات متخصصة:
الاهداف العامة للبرنامج:-1
1. General aims:
Graduate competent professional nurse who is able to demonstrate continuous work on increasing the body of knowledge of student own specialty, apply systematic, critical analysis in integrating her specialty with different knowledge related to pediatric nursing, demonstrate an in depth awareness of health problems, recent issues & trends theories pertaining to Pediatrics, identify children health problems and show perfection in utilizing the professional skills in solving them, utilize different common skills & effectively working in a team to take appropriate decision related to her area of specialty, show perfection in utilization & conduction of scientific nursing research which are based on evidence and use information technology in a way that serves professional practices.
2. Intended outcome (ILOs): النواتج التعليمية المستهدفة :
By the end of the program the nurse student should be able to:
2.1. Knowledge and understanding:
A.1. Demonstrate understanding of the theories and knowledge of basic sciences, evidence based practices related to Pediatric nursing in order to make professional judgment that will help in caring for children in health and illness.
A.2. Discuss the appropriate knowledge that enhance, modify, and support the health patterns of children and their families in various environmental contexts.
A.3. Discuss the legal and ethical issues pertaining to Pediatric Nursing
A.4. Demonstrate of ethical and legal principles that support diagnostic and management decision of care
A.5. Identify the principles of quality in the context of Pediatric Nursing
2.2. Intellectual skills
B.1. Analyze information for obtaining induction and deduction reasoning pertaining to Pediatric Nursing
B.2. Solve Pediatric health problems according to available resources
B.3. Conduct and report nursing research studies that increase knowledge about the outcomes of Pediatric Nursing
B.4. Assess risks in the professional practices
B.5. Utilize planning for the development of professional skills in the area of specialty
B.6. Take decision to make clinical judgment pertaining to Pediatric health problems
B.7. Provide guidance and counseling which are based on evidence regarding the management of the health and illness condition.
2.3. Professional skills
C.1. Demonstrate perfection of basic and recent professional skills in Pediatric nursing.
C.2.Write and assess professional reports
C.3. Assess and develop methods and tools already utilized in Pediatric nursing.
C.4. Utilize advanced technological ways for serving professional skills in the area of Pediatric nursing.
C.5. Utilize planning for the development of professional practice and other skills
2.4. General and transferable skills
D.1. Utilize effective communication, written, oral, electronic forms.
D.2. Utilize information technological methods to serve & develop her professional practice.
D.3. Mange effectively scientific meeting and show ability to manage time properly
D.4. Motivate others learning and assess their performance.
D.5. Demonstrate the ability to work in a team and lead team effectively
D.6 Motivate self assessment and continuous education.
3. -المعايير الاكاديمية للبرنامج:
The faculty adopted National Academic Standard (NARS) for post graduate studies, which follow the national authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education, February / 2009.
4. العلامات المرجعيةNot applicable :
5- هيكل ومكونات البرنامج:
5. Program structure and content:
أ-مدة البرنامج: 32weeks
ب-هيكلالبرنامج: 1st semester- 2nd semester
عدد الساعات/ عدد الوحدات:
نظرى عملى اجمالى
الزامى انتقائى اختيارى
- مقررات العلوم الاساسية: %
- مقررات العلوم الاجتماعية و الإنسانية: %
- مفررات علوم التخصص: %
- مقررات من علوم اخرى (حاسب الى و......): %
- التدريب الميدانى:تدريب عملى من خلال ساعات الندوات
6. ا-إلزامى A- Compulsory
& Level
Hours \Week
No of units
Course Title
Code NO
EX-Clinical field
First Semester
Issues & trends in nursing
Seminar in the area of specific specialty
Nursing seminar in the area of general specialty
Second Semester
Nursing seminar in the area of general specialty
Seminar in the area of specific specialty
Course content: refer to course specification.
: Course code
Course title: Pediatric nursing.
Course content: according to postgraduate (doctorate) by law
Program admission requirements:
1. The student should hold master degree in specialty course or related specialties from a university in the Arab Republic of Egypt at least a good grade or an equivalent degree from a college or a scientific institute last recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities.
2. Registration begins from first Jun to 1st august.
3. Pass an English language (TOEFL) with minim score of 500.
4. Full time students are allowed to be enrolled at least for one year after they had master degree.
8- طرق وقواعد تقييم الملتحقتيين بالبرنامج:
Program Intended Learning outcomes
ما تقيسه من المخرجات التعليمية المستهدفة
Written exam / Oral exam
Knowledge &understanding ,intellectual skills
Written exam / Oral exam
Transferable &intellectual skills
Semester work
Transferable ,professional &practical skills
- طرق تقويم البرنامج:
القائم بالتقويم
1- Candidate
Sta 3- Stakeholder
Questionnaire(Structured interview)
4- External evaluator
Not yet
المسئول عن البرنامج التوقيع
Head of Department: Prof. Dr.Amal Mohamed Eldakhakhany
Date: \ \