Essentials of Tissue Engineering Workshop

تم النشر بتاريخ: 26/09/2015

Essentials of Tissue Engineering Workshop

2-3 Novembr 2013

Stem cell research lab

Scientific & Medical research center

Faculty of Medicine of Medicine, Zagazig university

Under patronage of 

prof Tark el Brombly     Dean of faculty of Medicine

Welcome to update your knowledge and skills in this workshop Conducted by Dr. Walid  Nazmy (Director of the Innovation Development Unit Vacsera ) and Dr Somia Hassan (Director of stem cell research lab) and their team work .

Workshop Description


· Overview tissue engineering

· 2D vs. 3D Culture System

· Scaffolds Used For tissue engineering

· Methods used for scaffold fabrication 


· Laboratory Practice &Cell culture Lab safety

· Differentiation of stem cell into different tissues

· Preparation of chitosan scaffold

· Cell seeding scaffold and preparation of Bio-Artificial skin

· Transplantation of artificial skin in animal model (mice) 

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