Final List of Applicants for the Dean of the Faculty of Science
Final List of Applicants for the Dean of the Faculty of Science
Final List of Applicants for the Dean of the Faculty of Science
Final List of Applicants for the Dean of the Faculty of Science
Final List of Applicants for the Dean of the Faculty of Science
Final List of Applicants for the Dean of the Faculty of Science
Final List of Applicants for the Dean of the Faculty of Science
دعوة الأفراد والمؤسسات الحكومية والمدنية فى جمهورية مصر العربية ممن لهم إسهامات فى مجال محو الأمية الى التسجيل فى موقع تحدى الأمية عبر الرابط الموجود بالصورة وذلك فى موعد أقصاه 15يوليو 2019م
تم عقد دورة يوم الاثنين الموافق 17/6/2019 بعنوان: Writing a scientific research paper or protocol of thesis
بدء التدريب الصيفى للفرقة الاعدادية العام 2018 - 2019 يوم 30 - 6 - 2019
Announcement of a workshop on the Scival system on June 24, 2019 at the ICTT Center at the Presidency Building.
Announcement of a workshop on the Scival system on June 24, 2019 at the ICTT Center at the Presidency Building.
Announcement of a workshop on the Scival system on June 24, 2019 at the ICTT Center at the Presidency Building.
Announcement of a workshop on the Scival system on June 24, 2019 at the ICTT Center at the Presidency Building.
Announcement of a workshop on the Scival system on June 24, 2019 at the ICTT Center at the Presidency Building.
Announcement of a workshop on the Scival system on June 24, 2019 at the ICTT Center at the Presidency Building.
ترشيح عدد من الشخصيات الجامعية المتميزة من كافة التخصصات العلمية للاستفادة من خبراتهم فى توعية الرأى العام بالمشروعات والقضايا القومية وأنجازات الدولة فى مختلف المجالات بالاضافة الى دور مصر الاقليمى والدولى
فتح باب التقدم للالتحاق بالمدرسة التجريبية الصيفية الأولى بالطاقة الجديدة والمتجددة خلال الفترة من 6/7/2019م حتى 11/7/2019م بمقر أكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا وأخر موعد للتقديم 24/7/2019م
The Central Laboratory at Veterinary Zagazig announces about the quality training courses for students and graduates of the faculties of pharmacy, science, veterinary medicine and agriculture
The Central Laboratory at Veterinary Zagazig announces about the quality training courses for students and graduates of the faculties of pharmacy, science, veterinary medicine and agriculture
The Central Laboratory at Veterinary Zagazig announces about the quality training courses for students and graduates of the faculties of pharmacy, science, veterinary medicine and agriculture
The Central Laboratory at Veterinary Zagazig announces about the quality training courses for students and graduates of the faculties of pharmacy, science, veterinary medicine and agriculture
The Central Laboratory at Veterinary Zagazig announces about the quality training courses for students and graduates of the faculties of pharmacy, science, veterinary medicine and agriculture
The Central Laboratory at Veterinary Zagazig announces about the quality training courses for students and graduates of the faculties of pharmacy, science, veterinary medicine and agriculture
The Central Laboratory at Veterinary Zagazig announces about the quality training courses for students and graduates of the faculties of pharmacy, science, veterinary medicine and agriculture
The Central Laboratory at Veterinary Zagazig announces about the quality training courses for students and graduates of the faculties of pharmacy, science, veterinary medicine and agriculture
The Central Laboratory at Veterinary Zagazig announces about the quality training courses for students and graduates of the faculties of pharmacy, science, veterinary medicine and agriculture
The Central Laboratory at Veterinary Zagazig announces about the quality training courses for students and graduates of the faculties of pharmacy, science, veterinary medicine and agriculture
تتشرف هيئة فوليرايت بالإعلان عن برنامج إعداد القادة هوبرت همفرى ويتضمن دراسات نظرية وتدريب عملي
أعلان نتائج طلاب الفرقة الثالثة بنوعية الزقازيق للعام الجامعى 2019/2018 م
أعلان نتائج طلاب الفرقة الثانية بنوعية الزقازيق للعام الجامعى 2019/2018 م أعلن كنترول الفرقة الثانية برئاسة الأستاذ الدكتور/ هانى حسن على نتائج طلاب الفرقة الثالثة جميع الشعب وذلك بعد أعتمادها من الأستاذ الدكتور / صلاح شريف عبدالوهاب عميد الكلية وال
قافلة طبية بقرية تل روزين – بلبيس – شرقية إلقاء محاضرة يوم الأحد الموافق 23/6/2019م من الدكتورة / ياسمين محمود بقسم تمريض النساء والتوليد بعنوان المشورة الصحية لأهمية الفحوص ما قبل الزواج
Sports day for children of the Child University at Zagazig University
Sports day for children of the Child University at Zagazig University
تحت رعاية ا.د / نادية محمد طه – عميد الكلية ، ا.د / فتحية محمود عطية – رئيس وحدة التعليم المستمر تم بحمد الله عقد ورشة عمل بعنوان طرق التحكم بالعدوى وألقاها د / هويدا كميل زيتون مدرس بقسم تمريض الباطني والجراحي يوم الاثنين الموافق 24/6/2019م
Dr. Ahmed Bahiry is an agent for Veterinary Zagazig for community service and environmental development
Dr. Ahmed Bahiry is an agent for Veterinary Zagazig for community service and environmental development
Dr. Ahmed Bahiry is an agent for Veterinary Zagazig for community service and environmental development
Dr. Ahmed Bahiry is an agent for Veterinary Zagazig for community service and environmental development
Assignment of Dr. Ehab Rushdy is an agent for Zagazig computers for postgraduate studies and research
Assignment of Dr. Ehab Rushdy is an agent for Zagazig computers for postgraduate studies and research
Assignment of Dr. Ehab Rushdy is an agent for Zagazig computers for postgraduate studies and research
Assignment of Dr. Ehab Rushdy is an agent for Zagazig computers for postgraduate studies and research
Important Announcement "On the date of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Social Solidarity Fund"
Important Announcement "On the date of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Social Solidarity Fund"
Important Announcement "On the date of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Social Solidarity Fund"
Important Announcement "On the date of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Social Solidarity Fund"
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لجامعة الزقازيق
فريق عمل البوابة الرقمية