A workshop in March at the Development Projects Management Unit in cooperation with the DAAD
جدول مجمع لتوزيع السكاشن والمعامل فصل دراسى ثانى لعام 2019- 2020
The Central Laboratory of Soil, Food and Feed obtained the international accreditation to guarantee the quality of laboratories EGAC
Opening of the art exhibition at the Faculty of Specific Education at Zagazig University
Opening of the art exhibition at the Faculty of Specific Education at Zagazig University
The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology honors three professors from the veterinary Zagazig.
The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology honors three professors from the veterinary Zagazig.
The Faculty of Physical Education for Girls won first place in the game of volleyball in the first sports festival for girls of Zagazig University with the participation of team games for various colleges .. And that on Wednesday, 2/19 at eleven in t
The College of Physical Education for Girls won the first position in the basketball game in the first sports festival for girls of Zagazig University with the participation of team games teams of various colleges .. And that on Wednesday, 2/19 at el
The College of Physical Education for Girls won the third position in the handball game in the first sports festival for girls of Zagazig University with the participation of team games teams of various colleges .. And that on Wednesday, 2/19 at elev
The College of Physical Education for Girls won the third position in the handball game in the first sports festival for girls of Zagazig University with the participation of team games teams of various colleges .. And that on Wednesday, 2/19 at elev
Fourth Generation Wars "Seminar of the seventeenth environment festival, Faculty of Law, Zagazig
Fourth Generation Wars "Seminar of the seventeenth environment festival, Faculty of Law, Zagazig
Fourth Generation Wars "Seminar of the seventeenth environment festival, Faculty of Law, Zagazig
The Faculty of Physical Education for Girls is organizing the first sports festival for girls of Zagazig University with the participation of team games teams of various colleges .. And on Wednesday, 2/19 at eleven in the morning at the college's sta
The Faculty of Physical Education for Girls is organizing the first sports festival for girls of Zagazig University with the participation of team games teams of various colleges .. And on Wednesday, 2/19 at eleven in the morning at the college's sta
The work of Kayyan Sports Academy for talented people in different games is raised on the sights of the world through a YouTube channel, everyone who you think is fit to be in the following jobs ذي Anchor.🏻‍ Director 📽 Photographer دة Equipment 🎞
The work of Kayyan Sports Academy for talented people in different games is raised on the sights of the world through a YouTube channel, everyone who you think is fit to be in the following jobs ذي Anchor.🏻‍ Director 📽 Photographer دة Equipment 🎞
The work of Kayyan Sports Academy for talented people in different games is raised on the sights of the world through a YouTube channel, everyone who you think is fit to be in the following jobs ذي Anchor.🏻‍ Director 📽 Photographer دة Equipment 🎞
To contact with Kayan Academy, it is through the page on Facebook or via WhatsApp
To contact with Kayan Academy, it is through the page on Facebook or via WhatsApp
Applying for competitive projects funded by the Higher Education Development Projects Management Unit
The date of a workshop in the Development Projects Management Unit in cooperation with the DAAD
The date of a workshop in the Development Projects Management Unit in cooperation with the DAAD
The Adult Education Unit holds four educational seminars, training for students of the Faculty of Arts
The Adult Education Unit holds four educational seminars, training for students of the Faculty of Arts
Zagazig University launches a qualification program for a professional diploma to prepare teachers for the education of refugee children
Zagazig University launches a qualification program for a professional diploma to prepare teachers for the education of refugee children
Zagazig University launches a qualification program for a professional diploma to prepare teachers for the education of refugee children
The Development Projects Management Unit of the university hosted the team of the Higher Education Development Projects Unit
The Development Projects Management Unit of the university hosted the team of the Higher Education Development Projects Unit
The Development Projects Management Unit of the university hosted the team of the Higher Education Development Projects Unit
The Development Projects Management Unit of the university hosted the team of the Higher Education Development Projects Unit
Dr. Ilham Mahmoud promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Administration
Dr. Aml Anwar, promoted to professor of racket games, Department of Games
تهنىء عميدة الكلية أ.د.نادية محمد طه ووكيل الكلية للدراسات العليا أ.د. أمانى صبحي وأعضاء هيئة التدريس والجهاز الاداري والعاملين بالكلية كلا من: د. عزة عبدالدايم ، د. وفاء مصطفى (قسم ادارة التمريض) لترقيهم لدرجة أستاذ مساعداليوم الأربعاء الموافق 26/
تم بحمد الله انطلاق فعاليات المؤتمر العلمي الخامس والدولي الأول لقسم التمريض الباطني والجراحي ( بالتعاون مع جامعات أحمدوبللو بنيجيريا وذمار باليمن وسيبها بليبيا) بعنوان "الاستمرارية والتنسيق فى الرعاية التمريضية " والذي أقيم بمركز تنمية قدرات أعضاء ه
من أنشطة قطاع شئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة خلال شهر فبراير2020 قافلة شاملة بالمالكين مركز الحسنية
قطاع شئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة ينظم معرضاً للتسوق الخيري تحت شعار "حياة كريمة لكل مواطن".
قطاع شئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة ينظم معرضاً للتسوق الخيري تحت شعار "حياة كريمة لكل مواطن".
5 ورش عمل للتوعية بدور المجالس التنفيذية بالكليات المشاركة في مشروع محو الأمية بجامعة الزقازيق
5 ورش عمل للتوعية بدور المجالس التنفيذية بالكليات المشاركة في مشروع محو الأمية بجامعة الزقازيق
حروب الجيل الرابع .... ندوة ضمن فعاليات مهرجان البيئة السابع عشر بحقوق الزقازيق
إنطلاق المهرجان الرياضي الأول للطالبات بكلية التربية الرياضية بنات جامعة الزقازيق..من أنشطة قطاع شئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة خلال شهر فبراير2020
قطاع شئون البيئة ينظم محاضرات وندوات للتوعية بطرق الوقاية والعلاج من فيروس كورونا
قطاع شئون البيئة ينظم محاضرات وندوات للتوعية بطرق الوقاية والعلاج من فيروس كورونا
المنتدى العالمي للتعليم العالي و البحث العلمي GFHS 2020
المنتدى العالمي للتعليم العالي و البحث العلمي GFHS 2020
دليل صحة المسافرين 2020
جامعة الزقازيق تنظم لقاءاً للحوار والتعاون السلمي والتسامح بمشاركة جامعات ألمانية وسويسرية
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لجامعة الزقازيق
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